Home Automation - Smart Home Technology
Home Automation systems use advanced technology to allow simple control over many systems within your home. Automation systems provide control
over home theaters,
whole home audio and video systems, lighting, security, video surveillance cameras, thermostats, and more.
The integration of
Home Automation System generally happens on touch-screen controllers, iPhones, Androids, Tablets and computers. Some clients prefer a remote and an on-screen display for their system control. The idea is to give you an easy universal interface that brings all of your home systems together into one easy to use interface the entire family can operate.
A home automation system is custom programmed and packaged to meet the exact requirements of the home owner and family. Home automation is key for the best experience in home technology. It ties all of your systems together so you have one easy to use dashboard to control all aspects of your home.
These systems also allow you to do things like adjust your hot tub temperature when you're not even home so it's hot and ready by the time you do get home. You can also check and see what your children are watching and if you don't like what you see shut it off remotely. We can even adjust your shades based on the date and time to help light, heat and cool your home. It's amazing what we can do these days with all of these entertaining gadgets. Home automation is the hub that brings all of this fun exciting technology together to work in harmony.
Contact us today and schedule an appointment to experience the best home automation system in the Twin Cities.